
Research Publications

Focus Area | SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities


This year Community Business plans to undertake various research projects in Asia and we are currently looking for sponsors who are committed to the cause and want to share their best practice initiatives for the following topics:

  • Accessibility for All (India only)
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Social Mobility


Focus Area
Employee Wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion, Financial Wellbeing, Financial Inclusion, Social Mobility, Disability Inclusion
Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore and the Philippines
Multiple Lead Sponsor or Co-Sponsor Opportunities with benefits the include different levels of branding, profiling and engagement with the research

Accessibility for All (India only)

Accessibility is not a privilege granted readily by society. It therefore falls on  organisations to ensure equal access and opportunities for everybody.Accessibility is not a privilege granted readily by society. It therefore falls on  organisations to ensure equal access and opportunities for everybody.

By putting the voices and experiences of PwD at the heart of the research, supported by data-driven insights and engagement from multiple stakeholders in the community, this publication will provide a stable foundation upon which organisations can build inclusive policies that ensure everyone has a fair and equal chance to participate, leading to a systematic change in society. It is vital that this research considers the balance of opinion and voice that advocating for PwD requires giving equal weight to advocacy (fuelled by grassroots work) and implementation and the organisational level (which requires senior stakeholder buy-in). By addressing both the bottom-up and the top-down perspective, this research will provide a holistic map of the current landscape and a clear path to improvement.

Financial Inclusion

Organisations can play a pivotal role in enhancing financial inclusion. This, of course, goes above and beyond paying fair wages to employees. Ensuring employees, clients or customers receive suitable financial support and access to tools and resources that acknowledges contextual, cultural and individual circumstance is imperative. Access to financial education and literacy resources, targeted training and investment into flexible working arrangements that acknowledge financial burdens such as childcare, elderly care and medical costs are great starting points.

This research aims to demonstrate the relationship between individual identity/circumstances and financial circumstance in key markets in the APAC region. The research will use quantitative data analysis to illustrate variables that influence an individual’s sense of financial security and factors that may exacerbate a sense of financial insecurity, focusing on the markets of Hong Kong, India, Japan, Mainland China, Philippines and Singapore.

Social Mobility

Driving advocacy around social mobility requires a bottom-up approach engaging multiple stakeholders, from community organisations and academic institutions to corporates. By addressing social mobility through open and inclusive discussions as well as data driven research, we enhance efforts towards a more equitable and inclusive society, where everyone has a fair chance to participate.

The research findings will provide data driven insights to help guide Community Business’ social mobility campaign. Throughout the campaign, events will be held to encourage people to engage collaboratively on the topic of social mobility with Community Business providing common grounds for discussion.

Key Benefits


  • Branding on key multimedia assets of the research project, including website, Podcasts, Video, Interactive Executive Summary Report (details tbc)


  • Opportunity to showcase own commitment and approach to financial wellbeing


  • Opportunity to engage own employees to participate in various aspects of the research project, including employee survey and virtual workshops


Organisations can utilise findings to:

  •  Engage internal stakeholders and prioritise this topic within your organisation. 
  •  Understand how better to initiate or enhance the conversation around financial security in your organisation, with your employees, clients and the communities in which you operate. 
  •  Demonstrate your organisation’s commitment – both internally and externally, to creating inclusive workplaces for all. 
  •  Reinforce your position as an employer of choice. 

For More Information

To discuss the sponsorship opportunities and/or request a sponsorship proposal, please get in touch.