
As we seek to harness the power of business to drive social change, our programmes and campaigns play a vital role. By highlighting key issues and developing targeted initiatives to engage companies, we empower companies to take action, individually and collectively to make a positive impact on people and communities.

Campaigns and initiatives

Our campaigns are long-term, sustained efforts to impact positive change, putting the spotlight on key issues that need addressing and embracing a number of initiatives to engage companies.

Advancing the DE&I Journey

We are committed to exploring concepts that further the DE&I conversation in Asia, whether that be by returning to the foundations and re-examining the fundamentals or leading the charge when it comes to breaking taboos and tackling new and emerging ...

Key initiatives:
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Building Disability Confidence

Our ‘Building Disability Confidence’ Campaign is designed to overcome the hesitancy many companies have in addressing both visible and invisible disabilities in the workplace and encourage and support companies to remove barriers to inclusion for...

Key initiatives:
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Championing LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusion

Since 2008, Community Business has run various initiatives designed to encourage and support companies to put LGBTQ+ inclusion firmly on their corporate agenda

Key initiatives:
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Understanding & Ensuring Wellbeing

We work with companies to broaden their understanding of wellbeing and encourage the adoption of strategies designed to empower employees to be happy, healthy and engaged

Key initiatives:
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