Race & Culture Conversations
Race & Culture - An Overview
This one-hour session serves as an overview of the findings from our Race & Culture research. An interactive session that discusses the nuances of Race & Culture in six markets (China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, the Philippines and Singapore). The training session draws on our research and explores lived experiences and cultural narratives of our colleagues and teams across the APAC region to build awareness and self-reflection.
Our bespoke offering to help you implement conversations about Race & Culture in the workplace, the R.I.P.E model explores terms and issues to help define what is relevant today. This two-hour session, which is grounded in Community Business’ research findings, will help you navigate Race & Culture conversations in the workplace by using relevant corporate case studies. The session will also include an action plan on how to create allyship, a space for psychological safety and how to manage difficult conversations in the workplace.