Promoting Gender Equality

SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Community Business has long been an advocate for gender equality, championing greater diversity in the board room in Hong Kong, as well as gender inclusion and understanding at all levels across the workplace.

Campaign Objectives

  • Advocate for positive change across Asia in relation to gender equality and raise awareness for the specific issues that face women across all levels of the workforce  
  • Promote the inclusion of men in the conversation and educate on the fact that gender equality is not just a women’s issue  
  • Encourage and support companies to determine the diversity ‘mix’ that is relevant to their business needs today and into the future 
  • Champion best practice in organisations across Asia and encourage the adoption of policies that promote gender equality and encourage women to thrive in the workplace  

Key Initiatives

2024 Community Business Awards

The Community Business Awards celebrate the achievements of organisations and individuals in Asia who are champions of DE&I and Wellbeing.

Nominations are now open for the awards which will fall under five categories:  

  • Creating Social Impact
  • General DE&I 
  • LGBT+ Inclusion
  • Wellbeing
  • India



Gender Equality Focused Research & Thought Leadership

Our Promoting Gender Equality campaign is grounded in our library of Asia-led research and thought leadership 

We regularly publish research that explores recent trends and developments relating to gender equality in Asia. Recent topics include:  

  • Balancing Career & Caregiving: the Role of Companies
  • Gender Diversity Benchmark for Asia 




Gender Equality Consulting & Training

We offer a wealth of training options to support companies wherever they may be on their inclusion journey 

Signature training sessions include:  

  • Promoting Gender Diversity in Asia - Why it Matters
  • How to Promote Gender Inclusion in Teams 
  • Personal Brand 



Promoting Gender Equality as part of our Community Business Network

Our signature networks regularly tackle key issues relating to gender equality in Asia  

Over the past few years our Community Business Network has explored cutting-edge topics related to gender equality. By joining our Network, our members gain complimentary access to Community Business’ library of 20 years of Asia-led research and insights as well as the opportunity to network with and learn from like-minded organisations and individuals from across the region.



Women on Boards Hong Kong Research

Conducted on a regular basis until 2022 this online resource monitored and analysed current figures as well as historical trends in the appointment of women to Hang Seng listed boards in Hong Kong


Our Commitment

Community Business has been committed to promoting gender equality since it was founded in 2003. While we are impressed by progress made over the years, we know that much still needs to be done in order for gender parity to be achieved across Asia – both in the workplace and wider society. Women across the region face very specific challenges, with social and cultural pressures as well as discrimination very much still at play.  

By promoting the business case for gender inclusion – across all levels of an organisation – as well as helping to educate on the nuanced experiences and challenges that women in the workplace face, we hope we can spark change and encourage more organisations to embrace gender equality and inclusion.

Key Partners

Contact Us

For more information about our Promoting Gender Equality campaign, please get in touch with the team.