This is Me Asia

SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
This is Me focuses on sharing personal stories and lived experiences of disability and mental health to challenge the stigma and normalise conversations about these topics in the workplace. Based on the success and passion to take this beautiful journey further, we are expanding the campaign across the entire Asia in strategic partnership with Prudential.

Strategic Partner

We continue this journey alongside Prudential to make a lasting impact across Asia in guiding other organisations to a sustainable approach to mental health, wellbeing, and supporting persons with disabilities and neurodiversity in the workplace. 

Why This is Me?

Research shows that storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to bring about cultural and behavioural change. By giving opportunities to hear other people’s stories as well as encouraging to share their own experiences, this campaign empowers employees to feel accepted, be more honest and fosters supportive culture.

Did you know?

  • Simplifying complex issues and building an emotional connection through storytelling can induce positive behaviour change
  • Stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone

Programme Benefits

For more information, please contact Chris Mack and stay tuned for webinars and podcast series planned throughout 2023.

Get Involved

To date, over 1,200 organisations have registered for the campaign across the UK, with many organisations saying it is the best D&I campaign they have ever run. Furthermore, 100% of organisations surveyed in 2018 said This is Me had a positive impact on changing attitudes towards mental health and dispelling myths, as well as increasing the number of conversations about mental health in the workplace. We expect to create this positive change in Asia with companies dedicated to reducing the stigma, and creating more inclusive culture for those with a disability and mental health issues. 

Our focus alongside Prudential is to:  

  1. Continue to normalise conversations around mental health and disabilities in Asia, encouraging individuals to share lived experiences and stories to provide mutual support.  

  1. To promote and support good mental wellbeing and enhance employee experiences from hiring to retiring.  

Programme Goals

Our captivating podcast episodes spotlight personal journeys of disability and mental health, promoting courage and resilience. By challenging societal stigmas and normalising workplace conversations on these topics, we are making a difference. Click the link to join our transformative journey.