Understanding & Ensuring Wellbeing

SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
We work with companies to broaden their understanding of wellbeing and encourage the adoption of strategies designed to empower employees to be happy, healthy and engaged

Campaign Objectives

  • Promote an evidence-based approach to wellbeing 
  • Help organisations understand the impact that improved wellbeing can have on business productivity as well as overall employee morale and engagement  
  • Drive a holistic approach to wellbeing that extends beyond buzzwords and concepts  

Our Approach

Responsible businesses understand that the wellbeing of their employees is critical and take proactive steps to create a workplace culture and environment that enables and supports all to deliver their best work. We support organisations by identifying strengths and development opportunities in their wellbeing culture. Our approach primarily focuses on these aspects of wellbeing:

Since 2008, Community Business has been raising awareness for wellbeing. Our campaign began life as Work-Life Balance Week (2008 – 2018) and has since evolved to embrace a broader understanding of wellbeing that touches upon mental, physical, social and financial wellbeing. Through our wellbeing campaign, we help companies create a bespoke wellbeing programme which involves training and resources in all four areas of wellbeing. We encourage the application of the training by setting goals in order to work towards improving their wellbeing culture. We continue to support the organisation by identifying the next area of development and recognise that building a wellbeing culture is an ongoing development. Our wellbeing campaign encourages companies to prioritise wellbeing conversations, increasing awareness and understanding through Asia-based research, events, consulting and training offerings and thought-leadership that break down stereotypes and pioneers an inclusive approach to wellbeing.  

Key Initiatives

Wellbeing Consulting & Training

Wellbeing Consulting & Training (C&T) is a bespoke service designed to nurture a culture of wellness within organisations. Our consulting approach involves understanding your organisation's unique needs and challenges to create tailored wellbeing strategies. In our training sessions, we provide teams with the knowledge and tools required to effectively implement these strategies. Our ultimate objective is to enhance overall organisational health, productivity, and resilience. Please get in touch for more information on how we can support your wellbeing journey.



Wellbeing Focused Research & Thought Leadership

Our Understanding & Ensuring Wellbeing campaign is grounded in our library of Asia-led research and thought leadership 

We regularly publish research that explores recent trends and developments relating to wellbeing in Asia. Some topics we have covered include:  




Wellbeing Conference

Every year, Community Business holds a Wellbeing Conference. Our 2023 conference focused on building a sustainable wellbeing culture amidst rapid societal changes, using UN SDGs as our guiding blueprint. We're now looking forward to the 2024 event. If you're interested in exploring collaborations or learning more about our previous conferences, please contact us. This annual event is part of our commitment to fostering holistic wellbeing strategies.




This Is Me Asia

This is Me focuses on sharing personal stories and lived experiences of disability and mental health to challenge the stigma and normalise conversations about these topics in the workplace. 

This is Me is an initiative first pioneered by Barclays in the UK in 2014 and now led by the Lord Mayor's Appeal in London, Community Business introduced the campaign in India from 2019. This is Me focuses on sharing personal stories and lived experiences of disability and mental health to challenge the stigma and normalise conversations about these topics in the workplace. Based on the success and passion to take this beautiful journey further, we are continuing to expand the campaign across Asia in strategic partnership with Prudential.

To date, over 1,200 organisations have registered for the campaign across the UK, with many organisations saying it is the best D&I campaign they have ever run. Furthermore, 100% of organisations surveyed in 2018 said This is Me had a positive impact on changing attitudes towards mental health and dispelling myths, as well as increasing the number of conversations about mental health in the workplace. We expect to create this positive change in Asia with companies dedicated to reducing the stigma and creating a more inclusive culture for persons with disabilities and mental health issues.



Contact Us

For more information about our Wellbeing campaign, please get in touch with the team.