Evolving Through Enterprise

We bring positive change to businesses which leads to positive change throughout society. We use innovative and data-driven programmes and practices to underpin our drive for progress in business and across society

In The Spotlight

Stay up to date with the latest from our key campaigns and events
Postponed due to T8 Weather Warning in Hong Kong. Stay tuned for more updates

2024 Community Business Asia Awards Ceremony

The Community Business Awards celebrate the achievements of organisations and individuals in Asia who are champions of DE&I and Wellbeing across Asia. Nominations for the Awards have now closed and we will be announcing the finalists soon so stay tuned for further updates! Sponsorship opportunities are still available, please reach out to the team for further details.

SDG Focus

Community Business is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, working specifically to further them in the following areas.

SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Leading companies in developing an intersectional approach to diversity, equity and inclusion, highlighting and examining key issues from a local market perspective, facilitating dialogue and sharing best practices, tools and resources.

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A Community-Led Membership

Bringing communities together to network, share and learn is at the heart of our work at Community Business.

Our close relationships with our members, our understanding of market nuances in the Asia region and our constant search for next practice means that we are uniquely positioned to support organisations develop and drive their responsible and inclusive business strategies.


Our Diversity & Inclusion in Asia Network (DIAN) is a leading network for organisations and professionals committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the Asia region. Facilitated by Community Business, DIAN members interact regularly to network, learn and share next practice and ultimately, drive positive change in their organisations. DIAN aims to build communities of practice for DE&I Professionals, Business and Enterprise Leaders and Community Leaders in Asia.

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Benefits of network membership

Asia is complex and highly nuanced, meaning that organisations require regional-specific approaches for diversity, equity and inclusion that are informed by locally-led insights. Our network equip members with the tools to develop these strategies, providing a space and resources for:


Foster relationships with other DE&I practitioners and local and regional leaders who can support your organisation’s DE&I needs

  • Regular Roundup Calls
  • Business Leader Roundables


Forge partnerships with Community Business and other members, expand your network and create valuable impact both internally and externally.

  • DIAN Circles
  • Market Roundtables
  • Exclusive Conferences


Work with Community Business and other members in shaping the conversation; define the future direction of DE&I in Asia.

  • Contribute to Asia-focused research
  • Shape the Conversation around DE&I in the region


Access research, thought leadership, practical tools, expertise and advice from Community Business to support your strategy in Asia.

  • DIAN Newsletter
  • Access to exclusive Member Portal
  • DIAN Global Link

Get Involved

Our work wouldn't be possible without the investment, engagement and support from individual volunteers, member companies, business leaders, industry experts, and partner organisations.

Find out more